Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Night on the Town!

DAY 10:  Sunday Evening, May 27th:   Sadly, our time in Sicily was coming to a close, and Angelo and his wife brought us safely back to Caccamo to meet up with Silia and Jo Ann.  It was already getting late, and after a whirlwind of activity of the past few days it was time to think about packing and getting ready to leave the next morning.  But we still had one more night left and we planned on making the most of it!

It was good to see Jo Ann again and she told us all about her adventures while we were away including her trip to Palermo to see the opera house and the catacombs, and meeting more members of Pino's and Silia's families.

Silia and Pino wanted to take us out to dinner, but JoMarie and Jessie decided to head back to the apartment to pack and get ready to leave the next morning. 

It was a night of festivities and all of Caccamo was out for their annual celebration in honor of their patron saint.  The streets were alive with music and entertainment, and we walked to a nearby restaurant for dinner.  Some of the Zarauti cousins were joining us, and we started out with great platters of delicious bruschetta and everyone decided to order pizza.  Jo Ann and I had already discovered that if you order pizza you get an entire pizza for yourself, so we decided to split a pizza.  Well, that backfired on us when everyone saw our half pizza and thought we wouldn't have enough so they piled up some of their own pizza onto our plates and we ended up with more pizza than we could possibly ever eat! 

Just as we were finishing eating, Silia looked towards the door and said - "Gale, here come your friends".  I  had no idea who she was talking about since everyone I knew in Caccamo was either sitting with us at our table or back at our apartment and I looked up to see a very distinguished looking Italian man approaching.  He walked right up to me and said with a deep Italian accent, "Gale, where were you?  We were going to have breakfast and watch the parade.  I waited for you".  It was like a scene out of a movie since it's not everyday that a handsome Italian man tells you he was waiting for you, but then I suddenly realized that it was our new friend Giovanni who invited us in from his balcony, and just then Jo Ann joined us followed by Giovanni's son and daughter-in-law and suddenly the small restaurant turned into a party with all of us taking photos and Silia teasing Giovanni about being a mafioso!  Silia and Pauline exchanged emails since she and her husband were going to be in town for a while, and Jo Ann and I promised them we'd keep in touch and send pictures.

Silia, Pino, Jo Ann and I left the restaurant and walked through town to join in some of the festivities, but too soon it was time to leave.  We had an early flight to Rome tomorrow morning and it was getting late.  It was sad to leave, but I knew I would be coming back.  I left a piece of my heart here in this beautiful land with its fascinating people and I knew that someday I would return. 

Arrivederci la bella Sicilia - ci vedremo di nuovo!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO LAST POST:  A Family Tradition - Arrivederci Italia!


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